Do you REALLY “get” the message behind this story?
There have been many stories and allegories that relate a message like this, and no doubt you have heard of or experienced something similar in your lifetime.
However, there is much more to it than just “reading” such stories and saying “wow - that’s wonderful” and the like. Yes, it IS wonderful, but every day you may “miss” opportunities to share some good with someone, even in just little ways.
How do you get around your community, or any community that you may visit? Are you focused so much on your own ego-centric needs, or you own challenges, that you are blind to the needs, pain and suffering of those around you?
One of the most opportune ways of bee-ing kind, is one we often miss. That is, in the way we communicate, the way we “open our mouth and speak” without “bee-ing kind.” The way we talk to or about other can do more harm than a crushing blow. We see this all the time, particularly on “social” (if that’s the right word) Media.
My message to you is, in order to “bee kind” - “bee aware” - bee conscious of what is happening around you and never bee too busy to stop and help, or even go beyond, if it is within your capacity to do so and NEVER open your mouth and speak without being conscious of what you are saying and how it might break the spirit of others.
We don’t have to be like political “mis-Leaders” in a world that is fast losing all sense of humanity as they focus on greed and gain and the “economy.”
Have you not figured out yet, as Dr David Suzuki once said:
“Money now doesn’t stand for anything, and money now grows faster than the real world. Conventional economics is a form of brain damage.” - and he is right. Why? Simply because, as Founder of Earth Day reminded us: “The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment – not the other way round.”
Still don’t understand why?
Then it does not get simpler than this truth that even young children can understand. Can you?
If you can’t understand this truth, then truly, you are not “brain damaged” - you are “brain-dead” - or as I have so often quoted: “There are none so blind as those who REFUSE to see.”
Thank you for reading this, so please, bee aware and bee kind.
Thank you for sharing! 💜🧬🙏🏼