This moved my heart and soul - tears of joy rolled down my face / I felt your joy and that of your wonderful son / how blessed we are to learn of such magnificent souls . Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou ! Shared .
Thank you for sharing Shay’s story! It was awesome that the opposite team supported him too! Sometimes there is good in the world and Shay had a once in a lifetime moment that I’m sure he took with him … CARING! And being on the TEAM!
That’s the true love of our fellow man and we should always take advantage of every opportunity to make people feel special. My Dad taught us to always use a persons name when you spoke to them, because he said everyone loves to hear their name being spoken, because in their mind you’ve told them I remember who you are and you are special to me that I retain your name in my mind. Dad was a greatly loved manager at the Telephone Company for over 45 years, and every time I met someone who worked with dad they always said he was a great person and always treated everyone with care and appreciation for their time and effort put forth to make their division the best in the Southeast United States.
Thanks Ashley - it simply means that more people will have the opportunity to see, it and also share it in their restack efforts.
I will share it with everyone I know. I’m a retired special ed teacher and have seen this first hand with some of the students. Bless them all !!
Thankyou for sharing this gold nugget.i swear, this is wat substack is all about.
Agree - thank you😆👍
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! 😊🙏🏻❤️ Lots of people will do the right thing, just sometimes, folks need a simple reminder. 😌
This moved my heart and soul - tears of joy rolled down my face / I felt your joy and that of your wonderful son / how blessed we are to learn of such magnificent souls . Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou ! Shared .
This kind of consideration enables one to ‘entertain angels, unaware’, as it were.
Awesome story. GIF bless Shay and all those other players.
Thank you for sharing Shay’s story! It was awesome that the opposite team supported him too! Sometimes there is good in the world and Shay had a once in a lifetime moment that I’m sure he took with him … CARING! And being on the TEAM!
Love this - thank you for sharing - it made my day and have tears of joy!
Sniff, sniff all it takes is one good deed/lending hand/smile to turn/uplift someone's spirits - Be Kind to All - 🍀💕⚾
THIS WAS REMARKABLE!! The is one of the best things I have ever read! Amazing! This moved my heart so very much. Thank you for writing this! -Ashley
Humanity at its finest. Beautiful 💕💕
Such a beautiful story of love ❤️ and grace.
I cried
Same ❤️
Humanity at its best from little children!
That’s the true love of our fellow man and we should always take advantage of every opportunity to make people feel special. My Dad taught us to always use a persons name when you spoke to them, because he said everyone loves to hear their name being spoken, because in their mind you’ve told them I remember who you are and you are special to me that I retain your name in my mind. Dad was a greatly loved manager at the Telephone Company for over 45 years, and every time I met someone who worked with dad they always said he was a great person and always treated everyone with care and appreciation for their time and effort put forth to make their division the best in the Southeast United States.
I love hearing stories about people like your dad. That's what helps propel us to greatness!